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You can also produce premium content that your readers subscribe to. This could be content that gets an earlier release for subscribers or special video content.
The most common way to earn passive income is to invest in dividend-paying stocks. In most cases, the dividends on long-held investments are considered “qualified,” which means they would be subject to a maximum tax rate of 20%. (That compares with the top tax rate of 37% for earned income, which is also subject to FICA tax.)

Two career consultants and an economist said they’ve observed a shift in what Americans are seeking from their work over the past year. “We’ve been through a period of so much stress and uncertainty, and it’s made people really pause and consider what they want their lives to look like as things move back toward normal,” Alison Green, a work advice columnist who runs the blog Ask a Manager, wrote in an email to the PBS NewsHour. Green said she’s received letters from people hoping to find new, more flexible jobs in the same field, or rethinking their careers entirely.
Academic writing. On sites like Ultius, you can find opportunities to write academic papers. Typically, you need a bachelor’s degree to get these jobs. Writing experience is also helpful.
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A well-known blogger that offers a consulting service is Neil Patel. His content marketing experts can perform a website audit for the client and create an execution plan to help grow their online presence.
Others: including musicians, podcasters, writers, illustrators, etc total ~200K
Besides WordPress, other well-known CMSs include Drupal and Joomla. While they are perfectly capable of blogging, they may have a steeper learning curve. These are the best blogging platforms around

Answers to the sample questions

How to Make Money Online These days, online jobs and education opportunities are quite popular. People love to work from home, and the internet is exploding with money-making opportunities. How can you fit into this new popular niche? Let's explore!
And with dire labor shortages gumming up the gears of commerce, there may never be a better time to shift to a less nomadic career.